Dream of Energy Crisis / Death of Jessica Lynch

4am September 13th.

I just woke up from this dream, interesting one, and scary at the same time.

I was down at Rutter's (convenience store and gas station), not sure why, but I was down near the air pump, overlooking the highway / overpass area. I was looking up at the gas prices and saw them going higher. I remember talking to a woman who looked like a hitchhiker. She was carrying a dirty red duffle bag, and a man was with her who seemed to be a few fries short of a happy meal.

We were talking about the energy crisis and the government's recent decision to conserve gas and electricity among other things. Now I remember, I must have been waiting in line. There were a lot of people on foot waiting to get small amounts of gas into cans, and they were giving out water in gallon jugs.

It was nighttime. Had just gotten dark because I could still see a little bit of the sunset. When suddenly all the power everywhere shut down, could hear generators and hums quieting. Then people started getting angry and yelling at George Bush. People started fighting in the dark. It was not very long and the power came back on, then went off again. The lady said Bush had shut down the grid. I was worried about my wife because she was at work at the time, and had to make it home with power off everywhere.

The woman was trying to interest me in encylopedias and dictionary's inside her dufflebag, both which were also bound in red fake leather and dirty. I paged through it and found some pictures falling out of young women and families and felt that these 'drifters' had killed or stole from these people. They were asking me if I would put them up for the night after I made a comment that "great now our freezer full of meat is gonna spoil!" They had a mischievous look in their eye like they wanted to come home and rob me.

Someone was trying to tell them where I lived, a female, not sure who but I ran over and covered her mouth and said "No, you can't trust these people." Later I saw cops taking these two people away.

I went inside to a lottery machine and put some coins into it, strange machine I know. But after a few tries someone had told me you just won a million bucks, which I did and quickly tried to hide my winnings before people caught on to it. I remember seeing piles of nickles.

The dream switches to me being with some army troops in a convoy of some sort and we were helping to move civilians from area to area. I stayed behind at one point with a few other troops and was hiding behind some bushes along a dirt road, as we heard someone was trying to shoot at us. It looked like another army truck shooting at their own troops, friendly fire or mistook us as enemies. I was in civilian clothing and they got sight of me and started shooting at the trees and bushes. I remember Jessica Lynch being there, in uniform with these civilians and she had a baby with her. She ran down the road telling the firing troops to stop shooting at the people, that they were not harmful and only trying to find food and shelter. To which they did not even watch what they were doing, they just said stand down, drop your weapon, but it was just a baby. They opened fire and I saw Jessica get shot 3 times and fall to the ground, all the people came out of hiding screaming, to which these troops realized they made a mistake and lowered their guns. I was upset and said she's dying I can't watch this. My wife came from somewhere and helped with the baby who had been knicked by one of the bullets and said it looks worse than it is, it had scraped the baby's right hand.

So I wonder what this dream symbolized? Jessica Lynch dying may symbolize what's good about the powers that protect us and the adversary trying to destroy that goodness, but stopped it when the people all started working together.

How about the lottery part? ;)

I never took real interest in the Iraq War, or the Jessica Lynch story but this dream made me research into it more. Interesting enough according to this story, our military did infact almost open friendly fire on the ambulance carrying her two days before her over-reactive rescue. Why they shoot to kill anyone who comes close to their lines is just in my opinion plain idiotic and our military is extremely gun-happy and paranoid. Perhaps the dream I had last night was taking place in Iraq, as the area I was in was sort of "desert" baren with very little trees.

The Truth about Jessica Lynch


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