I got home from my first day of orientation at the gym around 2. The only phrase I had running through my head afterwards was DEAR LORD!!! Oh My God that sucked!

The trainer seemed a little concerned for me afterwards it really kicked my ass. So we sat and talked awhile about massage, life, etc. I sent my body into shock and it was like what the hell are you doing to me? I was fine for the first exercises except by the time I was done with them all my arms were felt like they were floating. Then my final exercise was this walking / stepping machine in which it felt like you were walking backwards. I did ok for about 3 minutes, then I started getting dizzy, sweating non stop, losing footing- the guy beside me asked if I was ok, just nodded and kept going.

I got to 6 minutes and felt like I was going to have a panic attack, my right leg cramped up the muscle got as hard as a rock, the leg I hit bowling last night, then my arms began giving out as I saw my heart rate hit 170, the room started spinning, sweat pouring into my eyes, I got dizzy and was thinking "this is where it happens, I die on a freaking exercise machine in a room full of people I don't know." Then just as I think I am giving up some man behind me claps and says keep going buddy and adrenaline from no where kicked in and I made it through to 10 minutes.

By the time I was done I was so wiped out I could barely walk, move my arms or anything. I ran out to my car, got in and I could not lift my arms to reach the steering wheel, then guzzled my gatorade, must have been too fast because I threw up - nice. I was thinking, dang I should have had someone come with me, I can't drive! Then I passed out and woke up 45 minutes later refreshed and to my senses.

I don't go back til next Saturday if schedules don't conflict in the mean time he suggested stretching and try to walk or excercise a little in the meantime.

But I made it through, I don't remember my body ever being in such shock, and I only did most likely half of what Carrie did. I am not sore yet but I can't lift my arms very high.



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