Woohoo I have a 95.7 grade average ;)

Well I was worried about my latest test for two weeks because I could not remember jack squat about the landmarks on the skeletal system, even a few days before the test I got a 54 percent on our second landmark quiz. So before my test I did some positive mental reinforcement and "created my day" so to speak. I just kept telling myself I will do good on the test and I will pass it.

I ended up getting a 99%, and would have gotten a 100 if I hadn't did something dumb on two of the questions, mistakes anyone could make. So I guess sometime in the hours before the test, the information finally absorbed in., I also was in a much better mood because my wife Carrie has been really good to me lately, so I don't care how 'co-dependent' it may sound, but she makes me a better person.

My son Jacob has a birthday coming up this weekend, he will be 5 years old already, and he has a nice big transformer coming his way, the only present he will be getting since he just had Christmas. Then my little Ariel turns 4 two weeks after that, hard to believe shes 4 already, but she's finally at the point where she really carries on conversations with me and just got out of pullups.

Carrie has 11 days off work, hopefully I don't drive her nuts. We are going this weekend to either see Harry Potter or Chronicles of Narnia with the kids, sounds like fun, it's been awhile since we've all been to the movies.

I am doing better lately, I hope it continues this way.



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