Welcome to the Jungle

Here is my latest scene, a jungle scene. Just finished this last night. I think it turned out pretty good ;)
Now to catch up on me since I have not posted in a couple days. I had my practical hands on exam for Swedish massage last week and got a 90% which is still an A average. There are some things I need to improve on yet, thats maintaining contact, making sure I communicate everything to the client.
I need to see a chiropractor soon. All this massage has aggrivated something in my back, pinching a nerve and causing some nasty headaches and pain down my left arm and shoulders. So I hope I can get that taken care of soon so it does not interfere with my schooling.
We start in deep tissue next week with a new instructor. We've actually had her before, I like her because she's into some of the spiritual / energy work type things.
Ariel turns 4 years old at the end of the week. She wants a 'hitting thing' (pinata) for her birthday, so I will try to get her one of those. I asked her what else she wants and she said "I just want some candy and you can be my best friend and share it with me."
She has said some interesting things lately, one of which she opened up to Carrie about while I was at school that may have been a past life of hers, which I feel adds more evidence that we do indeed have past lives, for a 3 year old who has never been exposed to this concept, to explain in detail who she was. She claimed one day her pop-pop went out for a walk and was not doing anything wrong and this police with long guns shot him and then with long swords cut his head off. Her grandmother wore a pretty dress like a princess and they lived in a big big house with a lot of colors.
I get the feeling that it was French military, sounds like something they would do back in the day.
She then further explained to me that she forgot to tell mom, that she had a lot of brothers and sisters in the house, and that her mom and dad were dead, but now she had a new mom and dad. She said her name was Sophie and she was 6 years old when her pop-pop died.
Here's a recent picture of Ariel with our new camera my father in law gave Carrie.

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