Dream : Corrupt Christian Minister

I was invited to this new christian church by one of the members, called God of our Fathers. When I went there the man from the pulpit in head of the church was at times a very manipulative / angry type person but most of the audience were smitten by his personality, charisma and teaching that they could not believe he could do any wrong.

I had some how found out this man was using moneys from the tithing / donations for his own personal gains, and he came to me in secret and said if I planned on attending the meetings, I needed to pay my tithing or I would be cast out from among the true saints. After questioning him and providing evidence of his dishonesty he became very angry and stood at the pulpit trying to deface my name and get the other members to cast me out.

I then had several people angry and forcing me out of the building but little did they know I had already contact the proper authorities, who at the same time came walking into the church showing their badges and took the leaders of this sect into a side office which was actually a church "security" area that had TVs and cameras that watched the property and arrested the man.

The man in my dream appeared to be in his 40s, black hair with a receeding hairline, no facial hair, and somewhat chubby.


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