9 more days ;P

Only 9 more days until Christmas. My kids are getting excited when I told them its only about a week. Tomorrow Carrie is heading up north to pick up a tree from her Dad's house, so maybe we will be decorating it tomorrow night.
I am still getting good grades in school and we finally got past the gluteal massage, it was not as traumatic as I thought it would be ;) I don't remember half of mine since I fell asleep, think I woke myself up snoring and remember the instructor calling to me.
I'm actually getting some gifts this year, I think all I got last year pretty much was a bag of rocks from my daughter.
I just got finished reading the book "What Dreams may Come" within 3 days. I have not read a book that fast in a long time. There is a lot of info in there that reminds me of myself and circumstances, the book is better than the movie in terms of explaining much more detail and how soul mates work, how we have 3 parts to ourselves, the phsyical, ethereal spirit and soul body, which the ethereal spirit can become lost or trapped in certain experiences, if you have done something that altererd your life path you can become empty or unable to find happiness, until that time finishes on earth until that life path would have naturally completed.
Been thinking a lot lately on the soul mate aspect, and since I do know we come to earth in soul groups, friends, companions, families, there are possible other mates, but there seems still to be a big difference between multiple mates and a true 'soul mate, twin flame' where the auras and connection to each other are always there, even if one of those people no longer recognizes the other. At the end of the book the man's wife no matter how much he knew who she was, and how upset and hurt he was that she did not know him, eventually in time she would remember him, because love is eternal, so when he finally gave up and said "I will wait here in hell with you forever until you remember me, she then remembered him, and after all that time finally cried and realized what she had done."
The movie was different in that once she realized who he was, she immediately reincarnated back on earth, but he stayed there and had to get special permission from the councils to return, which he eventually would return as a Doctor who would meet his wife as a patient from India later in life.
I feel a lot of truth in the book and that the author was very inspired, channeled a lot of it. It gives me hope that no matter what, this hell I have come down to, awakened into, some day my soul mate will look at me, and remember who I really am again, for right now she is does not see me as such, because of a choice she has made, but knowing that somehow sometime we will remember each other again comforts me.
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