Showing posts from 2018
Three Stages of Love
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I have been alone most of my life, in one way or another. Looking for the one, or Love in general, always seeming to find that when someone loves me, either I am not emotionally in the right place at the time, or if I am in love with them, they do not want me. When I do love I love someone hard, but I have also learned there are different types of love, each with their own qualities as we go through stages of maturity in our life. A research study shows that most people only fall in love 3 times in their life until they finally either get it right or find the right one. Each stage of this teaches us to grow, with the final stage being the easiest and purest form. Stage 1 - Your First Love For most people, including myself, this occured during high school. You are smitten with someone, overcome with hormones, all the new feelings of being a young adult full of energy and desire. You feel this feeling needs to last forever and you want to rush into it, ...
Another Day
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Another Day. The hours pass. As night grows near. Another day, without you here. I wait again to hear your voice. Those words, I long to hear you say. Knowing I will be alone again another day. The stars shine down, without you, not as bright, But knowing we look up to the same night skies, Brings hope to these old tired eyes. But the sun hides it shine, and clouds turn grey, As I sit here waiting another day. Wishing we were together in each others arms, Hoping each day you are free from harm. Knowing deep down we feel the same way. Gets me through another day. O’er the passage of time, And miles apart. Nothing has removed you from my heart. While through the storms, your heart may sway, My love is still here another day. To know someone else has the one I want, Yet does not appreciate your loving grace. Makes me long so much to take his place. And for you I will always pray. That perhaps this too shall pass ...
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Stop being the one who has bad things happen to them, instead be the one who goes out of their way to do good things for others. Be grateful even when you do not feel grateful. Love even if you do not feel loved. And be kind even when others have not been kind to you. Pain is an illusion that tries to control the mind and stop your progression. You are NOT how others have treated you. When you learn to do this you will find you are a conduit of light and you will begin to attract more of that to you and those around you.
Photography from walk on Fidalgo Bay
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Photography at midnight taken in Anacortes, WA of the runners statue. Copyright © by Todd J. Jumper aka Toddimus Design. All rights reserved. My artwork may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published or uploaded in any way without my written permission. [Visit my Web Site] [Follow on Facebook] [Twitter] [Instagram] [Curioos Store] [RedBubble Store]
Weight Loss Journey
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I've decided I am going to start blogging my weight loss progress. I have tried over the past few years and struggled with ups and down, some depression here and there and which caused me to gain weight very quickly within the past 5-6 years. I would say a major contributor to it, was undiagnosed severe sleep apnea, which was not only obstructive but in my brain as well, maybe since I was a child. A few years back I was starting to pass out and go unconscious during the day. Around that time I lost some very loved people in my life, my uncle passed suddenly. My dad then suddenly as well in his sleep. I had also felt very lonely moving 3000 miles away from my friends back east to be near my kids that my ex wife brought to Washington. I made very hard choices to leave certain people behind and a lot of sacrifice.. when I realized I was not happy.. I started gaining weight, health problems, high blood pressure, tired and sick all the time. Back i...
Lights over the Sound
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(The attached photos are not mine, but very close to what I saw, same color orange and same formations) Tonite I had a possible UFO experience but no camera on me to back it up. Driving home to Anacortes, WA, looking south toward Camano island on the puget sound over the water. Having just left the Stanwood area, passing through the village of Conway, on Fir Island road, looking over the Skagit Bay. (note there are small airports and an Naval Air base to the NorthWest nearby on Oak Harbor) Anyway it was dark and I had this feeling. I looked over to my left and saw two bright orange lights appear in the sky. Thinking not much of it since I always see planes in that direction coming at me. Then a third orange light appeared. Again thinking these are just possibly commercial flights coming in. As I tried to drive and watch at same time, the three bright lights lined up perfectly together. I then thought "hmm. this is looking more like possible flares." Su...