My blog covering a variety of topics, mostly spiritual or posting of my artwork. I am also a fan of 80s culture cartoons, comics etc, and collect action figures.
Some new whacko out there named Terr-ill has been sending his self righteous garbage on the mailing lists I subscribe to. He wrote me this morning. ======================================================== Do with what you will, this will be my last post to you. This comes from the Lord. To Todd Jumper: Thus saith the Lord, you shall have no other gods before me, and you have placed your own heart above me, and I am not well pleased, but am angered at your wickedness and do cut you off from before my face, that you have no place in my will or with me, save you repent, and my arms are open to receive you, but you will not, and I will cause a plague to come upon your house holds save you repent and remember my name, even Jehovah, which is Jesus Christ, amen. From Feel free to send spam his way.
There are some closeminded and judgemental folks out there that believe the storms and so forth are God's judgements upon people. I am a non judgemental person, and I believe in a loving creator who does not punish us. In my sentence I in no way meant that this was an event designed by "God" to punish anyone, in fact I have little tolerance myself to anyone who claims this was God's way of saying things are getting bad. I do not believe that. Perhaps I should have made it more clear, that during meditation before the storm hit, my spirit guides shown me that the path of the storm was being guided by "dark forces" with a specific purpose to hurt the economy, and send us into more imbalance. I was shown that H.A.A.R.P. had a hand in making the storm happen the way it did. I was also shown that good spiritual forces were working overtime to counteract this storm. I'm sure someone will think "Oh this is just another conspiracy theory, that we don...
As I jump ahead to more recent times, a lot of life changes have come my way over the past 4 years. One major life experience was losing my father in September of 2012. My father Richard, had passed away in his sleep due to complications from ongoing heart disease. I had just recently moved 3,000 miles from the east coast to the west coast to the state of Washington. My father had suffered for many years toward the end of his life, very severe depression, and on occasions had actually attempted suicide. At times he would just sit and stare at the walls, as if his normal self was not present in his body. When he was well, he was jovial, witty, liked to joke around, would talk your ear off and tell strangers on the street his entire life story if they allowed it. Surprisingly a month before he died, he called me out of the blue for my birthday. He was back to his old self, joking with me on the phone and we had made plans for him to possibly move out west and li...
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