My Omega

Goodnite my beloved Omega.
Tomorrow is a new day.
May the sparkle in your eyes never go out.
Your smile warms my heart.
Your smell soothes my soul.
Your very presence brings me joy.
You are love, you are beloved.
May you be there another day with me,
and may that day last an eternity.
We are stars, that fell in love long ago.
They need our light, and we must go.
We saw our trials and knew the test,
we knew we had to come to save the rest.
We knew what may happen as we said goodbye.
That day a sea of stars fell from the skies,
But I knew some how some way some time.
I would find my Omega again,
And shine forth once more.
As lover and friend.
To become a sun,
together one.
Shining forever until time is done.
If you must go, we'll pass again.
For love is without end.
I Love you my friend,
I release you,
and I trust you,
and somehow, hope,
will remember me again.
And meet me on that bridge,
that covers the gap of despair.
To just hold you in my arms
and breathe you like air.
Omega my heart belongs to you,
Keep it safe and hold it true,
For I would live 1000 lives,
If I knew at the end,
that I would be again with you.
Love and Light,
Todd (Enoch)
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