Happy 4th

Happy 4th, or 5th whatever day it is, I think that's about how many Smirnoff Green Apples I had last night. Suprisingly I didn't get drunk just fell asleep. We went to my uncle's place where he had a couple friends and in-laws show up for food, swimming, drinks and some disfunctional fireworks, not only that, but so were the people setting them off.

I was pretty quiet the whole time, did not really know anyone or have much of a desire to. This one couple I almost dread showing up, as they are always screaming or fighting or yelling at kids. The wife just would not stop screaming and shouting obscenitites at her husband because he did not look at a booboo she got from a smoke bomb that she inconsiderately lit right beside the porch where people are eating and babies are sleeping and stank everyone out, not just once but twice.

Then later this same whiny baby of a woman took part in aiming roman candles at each other in which one shot right past my 6 year olds face. Another firework was defective and started shooting off into the crowd, which I had to jump over some blue flames and it went under the guys ass behind me. Was pretty funny though, but what do you expect from a few drunk idiots lighting off "from over the border" fireworks on a hill beside a house downwind on top of a freaking septic mound.

Everyone seemed to have fun, I and the kids got waterlogged, they must have been in there til almost 9pm, dodging the occasional 300 mph golf balls that the guys were hitting, one almost hit my grandmother in the head, and then my uncle let a club slip and that flew over the pool into the weeds, never seen a club go so far.

On the 3rd we went to a small picnic at Hershey Medical where my wife works, a get together with her ER staff. Was not a very big turnout but the kids and I enjoyed the life lion helicopters bringing people in.

The fireworks were terrible, unless we left too early, but we stayed past 9 and all we saw was a few small ones that were behind a tree. I talked to another person online who said they were great, so unless they never seen a firework in their life before, I have no clue what the hell they were looking at, unless they didn't start til 10pm which would have been ridiculous.

So hope you had a good Independence Day, think I am paying for eating too much meat. Burgers, Dogs, Chicken and Ribs = bathroom, bathroom, bathroom, and oh crap I gotta go again.


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