Testing testing... :(

My web server was being upgraded with some new Microsoft servers and I was not able to upload for a few days, hopefully they have it fixed now.

I got a 94% on my quiz yesterday - that makes me happy seeing how I got a 60 on the one before. I was really feeling out of it earlier this week, and could not concentrate or stay awake from head pain and fatigue. I ended up coming home early. Now poor Carrie is suffering from a bad cold, and I hope she gets better soon. She had a decent birthday on the 30th, I made her a cake and got her the Vin Diesel movie she wanted. Then her friends at work made her a cake too, so she got three cakes this year ;)

The kids were cute on Halloween, sorry I did not get pictures but I guess I could just dress them up again. Katelyn was an alligator, Jacob was an M&M and Ariel was a pack of lifesavers, all simple but cute stuff. I am glad they are almost out of candy because that just made them crazier than normal.

I'm feeling more comfortable being around other people now, as I used to be before I had a hard time talking to others, but I went outside for lunch and sat with some classmates at the picnic table and started conversations with people I don't know. You may not think its a big deal but if you known how I was for years it was a big deal to me. Overall everyone in my class I have met so far are really nice people, and its not the same as high school where groups of people would hang in 'clicks' and not invite me to sit with them. You had the preps, the geeks, the troublemakers, and I always ended up at the table with the outcasts and kids no one else wanted to sit with, course they probably needed my friendship the most. But now everyone has the same goal and focus and as adults they all get along, and it breaks down barriers when you have to massage everyone in your class ;P

We gave our kitten Tom away to a family that has like a little cat farm, he should be happy where he is. We kept the kitten I found in the rain, named him Nemo and he's a really nice lap cat, one of the first cats that has actually not run away from me. I almost hit a solid white cat pulling into school yesterday, so whats that mean when I white cat crosses your path?



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