Back to School
Tomorrow I start my first day of massage therapy school. I'm anxious and nervous at the same time. This will be a totally new experience for me, as most of my life I have been shy. But this is what I felt led to do, and feel it will defintely help me open to people more, as well I've waited so long to help my wife with finances and I sure hope this opens a door to allow me to do that.
I have had my wisdom teeth out for a week now, I did end up getting dry socket, with the nerve exposed and man did that hurt, worse than the actual infected tooth. It's feeling a lot better now, and thank goodness that clove oil they shoved in there is gone.
Other than that I am stressed out. I don't want to get into it here in public forum but it couldn't have come at a worse time. I've been in the bathroom constantly, not fun. I feel each day like I am dying inside, just when there was a window of hope - and I was happier than I had been in a looong time. I don't know what to expect from day to day. I don't even know if this blog will be here if I don't somehow pay for the hosting within a week, but I'll still be around.
It just seems as soon as I break out of one bad situation, I fall into another. So is my life. But I'll try to keep my head up, either that or sink.
My uncle Scott has been here for two days painting Jacob's room, the bathroom, and next the hallway and getting new flooring in our living room and hall. Carrie and I are both looking forward to that. He does good work and deserves the money he is getting for it. I've probably opened up and talked with my uncle in the past two days more than I ever had, of course he does not want to hear about any personal issues but he understands in his own way. He's a good guy.
Well I wish I could leave on a happier note, just been so sad lately. Hopefully school keeps my mind off it, if anyone out there is still interested in me, send me a note to cheer me up.
I have had my wisdom teeth out for a week now, I did end up getting dry socket, with the nerve exposed and man did that hurt, worse than the actual infected tooth. It's feeling a lot better now, and thank goodness that clove oil they shoved in there is gone.
Other than that I am stressed out. I don't want to get into it here in public forum but it couldn't have come at a worse time. I've been in the bathroom constantly, not fun. I feel each day like I am dying inside, just when there was a window of hope - and I was happier than I had been in a looong time. I don't know what to expect from day to day. I don't even know if this blog will be here if I don't somehow pay for the hosting within a week, but I'll still be around.

My uncle Scott has been here for two days painting Jacob's room, the bathroom, and next the hallway and getting new flooring in our living room and hall. Carrie and I are both looking forward to that. He does good work and deserves the money he is getting for it. I've probably opened up and talked with my uncle in the past two days more than I ever had, of course he does not want to hear about any personal issues but he understands in his own way. He's a good guy.
Well I wish I could leave on a happier note, just been so sad lately. Hopefully school keeps my mind off it, if anyone out there is still interested in me, send me a note to cheer me up.
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