Night Visitors

The past two nights sleeping alone I have had some interesting visitations, though one was probably induced, one was startling.

Two nights ago about midnite I got to bed after watching some of the movie A.I. (artificial intelligence) I am not sure what is up with that movie, as the first time I watched it I got very nauseated and sick all night. I started feeling out of it again and fell asleep watching it. I went back to bed and as I layed down I looked out the window, and my camcorder and fan are sitting on the sill. As I glanced I saw a shadowy transparant, but obvious hand, in between my camera and fan, it was making a waving, almost grasping motion as its long skinny fingers went from outstretched to clasping.

I then saw a shadow, not in any particular shape, move from the window, across the room to near the doorway. At that same exact time my three year old ran down the hallway crying, not sure why but something scared her. I put her back in bed and she sucked her fingers til she fell back asleep. I went back to my room and said "Ok, whatever, just don't grab my feet, and I'm warning you now I have gas."

I was too tired and did not care what it was.

So last night, a friend of mine Deb, wanted me to try to connect with her deceased father. So again around midnight, I was praying for protection, and to connect for any message he might have. Almost immediately my large dresser, shook and made a loud bang with inside of it.

Not too long after that a man's voice began rapidly talking in my head, never heard this guys voice before, it was somewhat deep with a kind of backwood Pennsylvania accent, if there is such a thing, if I heard it again I would recognize it.

I was in such a state, of being partly in sleep mode that I could have told someone what they were saying, but I remember hardly any of it. He sounded almost as if he were talking to someone on a phone, and the last words I remember are "Well, tell her I love her, I gotta run, have some things to do." But other than that its a blank. I briefly saw a side profile of a man in his mid-age with dark hair, and glasses, somewhat 5'oclock shadow on his face.

During his talking a breeze blew over my chest and face, which I knew was spirit entering in front of me, because not only was the window closed, my door shut tight, but no way for a breeze to come in other than the central air on the floor, which in my bedroom hardly has any air pressure at all.

I am thinking about setting up recorders in my room to see if I can get any voice phenomenon, EVP.


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