New Site Design and Life Changes

Last night I gave the front page of my website a more attractive design, with easier navigation. I plan on getting some more information on there, some of my older writings, my hobbies, and general info about me.

It's rainy and cold outside today, so maybe I'll get some of that done.

Well its the 4th year to the day that a close minded stake president excommunicated me from the LDS church, interesting that I just found the letter he sent me yesterday when cleaning out the garage. Also interesting at this time I am working on being re-baptised into the church.

The reason given in the letter was "as a result of your persistent pattern of conduct, which is contrary to the laws and order of the Church."

That's a rather vague reason to 'ex' a member. At my church court he said I was not being removed for any 'sins'. At the time I was teaching the gospel via a personal ministry website (which by the way is not contrary to any laws or order of the church) remember each member is a missionary. I was only teaching the standard works, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. But because I refused to remove my personal website (at this time in 2001 the LDS church sent out a letter telling every ward to remove their websites)

So because I followed the spirit instead of following my Stake President, (by the way 8 men on the court did not want me removed, some of them even felt the hearing was 'unecessary' and a matter of 'opinion') All because of a simple misunderstanding he suspended my baptism, priesthood.

He furthered admonished me to change my behavior and repent, to have a change of heart, that that some day I may once again enter the waters of baptism. Even though I was told at the hearing I was not guilty of any sins; I still need to be re-baptized, and re-ordained.

Well 4 years later, I have been through hard times in life, as well as good times. I know the spirit and God has always been there through it all, and I never believed I lost any blessings, although the adversary worked very hard on me to break me down, only several months later that same year.

Now I put those things behind me. I have forgiven those who have misunderstood me and moved on. The websites that were in question years ago no longer exist. Never at any time have I desired to lead anyone away from the church, the gospel or Christ, in fact I only emphasised that we all need to gain a personal relationship with Christ, nothing more than that- to experiecne the mighty change, and the baptism of Fire, which is so often not talked about.

Most recently over the past 2-3 months spirit has been working with me, changing my heart, removing anger, removing pride and has shown me it is time to return "to the fold" in dreams and in that still small voice. I have learned from this experience, and hopefully others have to. Everything has a purpose.


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